Personsentrerte helsetjenester. - Se meg, lytt til meg og ta hensyn til det jeg sier!

Person-Centered Care (PCC)

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Understanding PCC

Here you will find information and concrete examples of workflow and tools. The goal is to focus on the collaboration between the hospital and the municipality in person-centered healthcare.

Å utøve

Practice of PCC

We focus on the collaboration between hospitals and municipalities in person-centered health services, with special attention to patients who need close, interdisciplinary follow-up.


Sharing and teaching PCC

The community of PCC practice invites you to share your experiences and help inspire and teach others too.


healthcare in practice

Working in a person-centred way means focusing on the patient as a unique person with individual needs, values and preferences. On these pages you will find information and tools for building a person-centred healthcare service.

Illustrasjon av Lars, Astrid og Olav.
Hvorfor en personsentrert helsetjeneste? Foto: –

Why a Person-Centred Health Service?

The experience from The University Hospital of North Norway (UNN) project for multimorbid persons in need of several healthcare services. What are the benefits for hospitals, municipalities, and patients? What has it led to?

How did I spot patients who need a person-centred, holistic, and proactive approach? What challenges in the current system did I see?

Illustrasjon av Britt - Fastlege


General Practitioner

Illustrasjon av Trond - Sykehuslege


Hospital Doctor

Illustrasjon av Rita - Sykepleier i kommunen


Community Nurse

Illustrasjon av Per - Fysioterapeut




PACT Harstad:

Phone: +47 77 01 55 39
Section manager:
Phone: +47 97 03 84 50
Municipalities: Harstad, Kvæfjord, Ibestad, Tjeldsund, Evenes, Lødingen.

PACT Narvik:

Telefon: 76 17 21 90
Section manager: Brita Jørgensen. Phone: +47 98 68 33 02
Municipalities: Narvik, Gratangen,
Salangen, Lavangen, Bardu.

PACT Tromsø:

Phone: +47 91 73 01 45
Section manager:
Monika Dalbakk.
Phone: +47 94 85 96 81
Municipalities: Tromsø, Balsfjord,
Karlsøy, Storfjord og Lyngen.

PACT Midt-Troms:

Phone: +47 48 16 19 71
Section manager: Camilla Nordahl Hagensen.
Phone:+47 47 90 83 34
Municipalities: Senja, Dyrøy,
Sørreisa og Målselv.

PACT Nord-Troms::

Phone: +47 41 70 61 37
Section manager:
Hanne Marita Hansen.
Phone: +47 41 70 61 55
Municipalities: Kåfjord, Nordreisa,
Skjervøy og Kvænangen.

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